Filing an Automobile Accident Claim with State Farm: What You Need to Know

No matter what insurance you have, navigating filing a claim from an automobile accident can be confusing and difficult. Jake from State Farm might be charming in those commercials, but he’s not going to be the one looking out for you.

State Farm is the largest auto insurer in the United States with 2021 profits of $3.7 billion. That’s only one year.

In addition, State Farm, like all insurance companies, make money when they don’t pay what your accident is worth. After being in an accident, it might be worth retaining the services of an attorney to jump through the hoops for you.

Being in a traffic accident can be a traumatic event, but with a little guidance, you’ll be able to navigate filing a claim with State Farm in a heartbeat.

Step Number One: The Immediate Aftermath

When you’ve been in an accident, calling your insurance company might not be the first thing on your mind. If you’ve received substantial personal or property damage, you need to make sure you make

First things first – If someone has been seriously injured, seek emergency medical attention immediately. There will be time to worry about insurance when everyone is sure to be safe.


Up next, you need to gather evidence.

  • What is the other driver’s insurance policy?
  • Can you get a photo of their insurance card?
  • What is their name, license number, and contact information?
  • Were there any witnesses who are willing to give you their name and contact information as well?
  • Take photographs of the scene, including skid marks, debris, and damage done to the vehicle.
  • Are there any nearby locales that might have cameras that caught the accident?

You may need to call a police officer to the site of the accident to make sure you get all the evidence gathered.


In the next day or so, you should try to get seen by a primary care physician or pay a visit to an urgent care center. Remember, your injuries might not show up until a day or two later. Don’t be on the hook for thousands of dollars of medical bills because you didn’t prioritize getting checked out after a traumatic event!

When you’re gathering all of this information over the next few days, make sure you keep it in a safe place. Medical bills, out of pocket expenses, and proof of lost wages are all things you need to make sure are close at hand.

Step Number Two: Getting In Touch With State Farm

Within a day or two of the accident, you should report it to State Farm. State Farm doesn’t specify a deadline for filing a claim, but if you wait too long, you may lose the right to compensation.

When it comes to submitting your claim, the sooner, the better. You don’t want to give claims adjusters a reason to deny or delay the money you deserve.



There are a few different ways to get in contact with State Farm:

  • Call 1-800-SF-CLAIM (732-5246)
  • Visit State Farm’s website at
  • Begin the process on their mobile app.

You’ll receive a claim number, which you should keep with your file of evidence. Do not lose this! You’ll need it several times throughout the process.

No matter which way you report the accident, you’ll eventually have to speak with a State Farm Insurance Adjuster.

Step Number Three: Dealing With a State Farm Insurance Adjuster

 When discussing the incident with a State Farm Insurance Adjuster, you need to keep one thing in mind – Insurance companies are looking for reasons to pay you less than what you’re owed.


State Farm didn’t become a billion-dollar company by being generous. Even if they don’t outright deny it, they could find you partially at fault for the accident and only pay a portion of what you deserve. Do not give them a reason to take advantage of you.

Claims adjusters may be friendly. That’s fine. You just have to keep in mind what their goal is – to keep as much money in the company’s account while keeping it out of your pocket.

Remembering all this is crucial when you talk about the details of your accident. In addition to having your evidence at hand, here are a few things to remember:

  • Do not, under any circumstances, admit fault to the accident.
  • Don’t speculate or guess as to the nature of how the accident happened.
  • Stick to the facts. Always offer truthful statements.
  • Keep your answers simple.
  • Do not offer any new information you weren’t asked about.
  • Don’t let them downplay incidents of injury or pain.
  • Do not sign anything without consulting a personal injury attorney.

Beginning of Negotiation

You may receive an offer earlier than you thought. In fact, you may receive an offer you think is reasonable. State Farm is likely hoping to get you a quick settlement and be done with it, but the initial offer is just the beginning of a negotiation.

Step Number Four: Why You May Want to Consult a Dunwoody Area Personal Injury Attorney

It might seem like getting in a car wreck isn’t a big deal, but if you make the wrong decision or sign something too quickly, you could be leaving thousands of dollars on the table.

When you’re in an accident, you aren’t just losing the value on the car. You’re losing your mode of transport to get to and from work, you’re losing time from potentially having to go to physical therapy or doctor visits, and if your car is totaled, you’ve lost years of driving a car that was working perfectly fine before someone else ruined it.

A personal injury attorney can serve a vital role in getting you a settlement from State Farm that will keep your life’s interruptions at a minimum.

At every step of this process, a Dunwoody area personal injury attorney can make your life easier.

An attorney can help gather evidence and speak to police on your behalf. An attorney can help their clients file claims on time, even if their client is still indisposed from being injured during the accident. An attorney can negotiate with adjusters and use their experience in the field to immediately spot offers that aren’t up to snuff.

On top of all that, your attorney is there if State Farm denies the claim. They’ll be ready to bring a lawsuit against the liable parties and find experts to explain the circumstances to a judge or jury. The right attorney will fight to secure maximum compensation for your case.

Having an attorney you trust by your side can change the whole tenor of your accident. Your State Farm Claims Adjuster isn’t going to advocate for you; they advocate for the company. With you and your attorney working together, you’ll feel more comfortable and be able to get back to your life faster than if you were having to handle the details yourself.

Nick Martin: Dunwoody’s Best Personal Injury Attorney

Filing a claim with State Farm can seem easy, but the end result is anything but. Between the stress of worrying about your automobile’s status and your personal health, you’ve already got enough on your mind.

Nick Martin is one of Dunwoody’s most trusted attorneys who knows all the tricks the insurance companies might throw at you. He’s ready to fight on your behalf. 

If you or someone you know has been in an accident, don’t wait. Time is of the essence. Contact The Law Office of Nicholas P. Martin today at (770) 450-6155 or sign up on this website for a free consultation. Nick Martin won’t let you get less than you deserve.

Nick Martin

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