Georgia Accident Statistics

Each year, the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety releases a comprehensive report with the statistics of auto accidents in Georgia.

From 2006 to 2015 Georgia saw a steady decrease in auto accident fatalities. However, in 2015 the number of fatalities began increasing. In 2018, Georgia enacted a hands-free cell phone law and we are once again seeing a decrease in fatalities on Georgia’s roadways. Here are the numbers for previous years:

Year Fatalities Total Accidents
2008 1,495 306,342
2009 1,292 286,896
2010 1,247 290,611
2011 1,226 289,002
2012 1,192 315,459
2013 1,180 332,067
2014 1,164 333,963
2015 1,432 339,008
2016 1,556 385,221
2017 1,540 379,437
2018 1,504  

According to the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, Georgia is slightly above the national average for fatalities occurring out of every 100,000. Georgia had 14.79 fatalities for every 100,000 people, while the national average in the U.S. is 11.52.

On Behalf of The Law Office of Nicholas P. Martin
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