4 Reasons to Hire a Lawyer After You’re Injured in a Car Accident

We don’t usually expect our morning commute to change our lives forever. But that’s what happened to Brian* when he was rear-ended while driving into Atlanta for work one morning.

Not only did Brian have to deal with significant injuries and medical bills, but he wasn’t sure what steps he needed to take to file claims with the insurance companies.

Brian decided he needed to bring in some outside help, so he gave the Law Offices of Nicholas P. Martin a call.

4 Benefits of Working with a Dunwoody Car Accident Attorney

  1. Freedom to Focus on Your Healing After a Car Accident

Unfortunately, stories like Brian’s are far too common. In a time when car accident victims should be focused on treating their injuries, healing and recovering from the trauma of the accident, they’re instead forced to deal with endless paperwork, pressure to settle, and frustrating bureaucracy from insurance companies.

Car insurance providers make their profits by paying out the smallest possible amount for accident claims.

Car insurance providers make their profits by paying out the smallest possible amount for accident claims. And because they deal with cases like yours every day, you can’t be expected to keep up with their games and loopholes.

Many people will try to handle the claims process on their own, but this makes it much more difficult to get the compensation you deserve. Plus, you should be able to spend your time prioritizing doctors’ appointments, rest, and any other care you require after your accident.

  1. Support for Complex Situations Like Underinsured Motorists

Even the simplest car accident can lead to a confusing claims process. But when you add things like an underinsured motorist, a rideshare vehicle, or a tractor trailer into the mix, things can get complicated quickly.

In Brian’s case, he needed to file two claims: one with liability insurance and one with his own underinsured motorist policy, since the driver who hit him did not have enough insurance to cover the claim. Dunwoody attorney Nick Martin helped guide him through the process and made sure nothing slipped through the cracks, so Brian was able to get both his claims filed in time and a settlement negotiated.

  1. Help Staying Organized and Completing all the Necessary Claims Steps

Insurance claims require an enormous amount of documentation

Insurance claims require an enormous amount of documentation (we often tell our clients to invest in a filing cabinet), and without a professional on your side, it can be difficult to keep track of everything.

A local attorney like Nick Martin will help you make sure you have all the right documents and records, from medical bills to the accident police report to evidence of your injuries and vehicle damage.

You shouldn’t have to spend so much time worrying about paperwork! When you work with Nick Martin, you can rest easy knowing your case is in expert hands.

  1. Know When to Settle and When to Negotiate for More

Car accident victims don’t always realize all the damages they can qualify for in the state of Georgia. Depending on the circumstances around your accident, you may be able to receive compensation for:

  • All past and future medical bills relating to the accident
  • Lost wages due to injury or lack of transportation
  • Pain and suffering
  • Vehicle rental while your car is damaged

Since things like pain and suffering are difficult to quantify, it’s helpful to have a vehicle accident attorney on your side who can help you evaluate whether or not the offer you get from the insurance company is fair.

Don’t just accept the first offer because you want the process to be over!

Don’t just accept the first offer because you want the process to be over! Working with an attorney who can negotiate on your behalf allows you to make sure you’re getting the compensation you deserve, without the hassle of fighting for it on your own.

And if the insurance company just can’t be reasoned with, your attorney can help you decide if it’s time to take your case to court. In the event that litigation is needed, it’s especially helpful to have a lawyer on your side who’s already familiar with all the details of your case, and who has a strong track record with car accidents and personal injury.

Brian’s Results: The Compensation He Deserved Without Sacrificing His Peace of Mind

When Brian decided to hire Nick Martin, he gained a powerful ally who was ready and willing to fight hard for him. Nick guided Brian through the process of filing both his claims and making sure he had the right documentation to show all of his medical treatment.

Once Brian’s injuries were treated, Nick negotiated with both insurance companies to get Brian a settlement of over $40,000. This amount covered all of Brian’s medical bills, and he still went home with an additional check.

Work with an Advocate Who’s on Your Side

Improve your chances of getting higher compensation from insurance

If you’re in a situation like Brian’s, know that you don’t have to handle this on your own! By working with Dunwoody accident attorney Nick Martin, you can improve your chances of getting higher compensation from insurance, without adding additional stress or difficult negotiations to your plate.

There’s a reason why so many clients like Brian walk away with a check and a smile on their faces. Reach out to the Law Office of Nicholas P. Martin today to learn how Nick can help you with your car accident injury case just like he did for Brian.

Call 770-450-6155 to get in touch or fill out our form to schedule a free consultation.

*Client’s name changed for privacy

Nick Martin

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